2005 Adobe Design Achievement Award in Digital Photography
This series feels so pedestrian now that we live in a world of smart phones, Go Pros, and VR headsets covered in stereoscopic cameras. But one must keep in mind that I made these in 2004— three and a half years before the first iphone came out. I took out an extra student loan to get my first DSLR camera with a staggering 6 MEGAPIXELS of resolving power!
Initially, the idea for this series was to portray the monotony of my day to day life in grad school as a first-person videogame because I thought that you could make anything entertaining if it was a videogame. Little did I know that you didn’t even need to go that far. People just like watching other people do stuff. A few years later and millions of viewers are happy to watch streamers doing next to nothing all day long! Admittedly it helps a lot if they’re good looking. But I think the moment that really blew my mind though was when Google Glass first came out in 2013 and all the photos coming out of those things looked exactly like this series. That strange prescience makes me have extra warm and fuzzies for this series.